State of the Rainforest 2014


1. Importance of the rainforest and biodiversity 1. IPCC 2014a. 2. IPCC 2014b. 3. Angelsen et al. 2014. 4. Brandon forthcoming 2014. 5. Ellison, Futter and Bishop 2012. 6. Mulligan and Saenz 2013. 7. Hamilton 2004. 8. Mullan forthcoming 2014. 9. Koch et al. 2009; Barbier et al. 2011. 10. Locatelli 2010. 11. Mullan forthcoming 2014. 12. See, for example, Peluso 1993. 13. Nepstad et al. 2006. 14. Lawson forthcoming 2014. 15. Parker 2013. 16. Ghazoul, Jaboury and Douglas Sheil 2010. 17. vegetarian-piranha-amazon-species 18. 19. Ghazoul and Sheil, 2010. 20. Hunt, C.O., Rabett, R.J., 2013). 21. Stuart L. Pimm et al. 2014. 22. State University of New York, College of Environmental Science and Forestry: International Institute for Species Exploration. Top 10 new species 2014 23. 24. 25. threatened-species 26. KEITH, D. A., et al. 2014 27. IUCN Red List (accessed august 2014) http://cmsdocs.s3.amazonaws. com/summarystats/2014_2_Summary_StatsPage_Documents/2014_2_RL_ Stats_Table5.pdf 28. Mouillot D, et al. 2013 29. Butler, Rhett (2014): ‘Symbiotic relatonships in the rainforest’. http://; Hagen, Arild (2009) ‘Amazonas – en hyllest til livet’ Regnskogens tilstand. Oslo: Norwegian Rainforest Foundation 30. FAO 2014 31. Foley et al 2007 32. TEEB 2010 33. Ibid 34. Millennium Ecosystem Assessment 2005 35. FAO 2011c 36. Ghazoul and Sheil 2010 37. FAO 2011 38. CBD 2009 39. TEEB 2010 40. Biodiversity-and-Health.pdf 41. CBD 2009 42. De Grot 2012 places value of ecosystem services in tropical forest between 1581 and 20,851 2007-$/ha. The median value of 2355 would give a monetary value above 2 trillion dollars for 9 million km2 rainforest. 43. TEEB 2010 44. UNEP 2013 (GEO 5) 45. UNFF 2012 46. FAO 2011 includes a total of 30 countries, more countries than just the key rainforest countries we refer to in this report. 47. Saachi et al. 2011 48. See WRI’s CAIT 2.0 (Ref.: Emissions?indicator[]=Total GHG Emissions Including Land-Use Change and Forestry&indicator[]=Total GHG Emissions Including Land-Use Change and Forestry Per Capita&year[]=2011&sortIdx=1&sortDir=desc&chartType=geo) 49. IPCC 2014b

50. UCS 2013 51. Black, R 2011 52. IPCC 2014 b 53. 54. IPCC 2014c p. 15. 55. Science Daily 2014 releases/2014/02/140226074522.htm and CD, T et al. (2004)http://www. 56. The text is based on the report Rights-based rainforest protection, Rainforest Foundation 2012, by Siri Damman and Ellen Hofsvang. 57. FAO 2014 58. According to a report by special rapporteur for UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Peoples, Vicky Tauli Corpus, the number is 200 million. See Forest Peoples Program, 2012, footnote 18. 59. IWGIA website: 61. Gorenfloa L.J., Romaineb S., Mittermeierc R.A., and Walker-Painemillad K. 2012 62. General Comment No. 23: The rights of minorities (Art. 27): 08.04.1994. CCPR/C/21/Rev.1/Add.5, General Comment No. 23. doc.nsf/%28Symbol%29/fb7fb12c2fb8bb21c12563ed004df111?Opendocument 63. For further discussion of this, see Introduction; (Eds) Sikor, T. and Stahl J., 2011. 64. Sunderlin, W.D., 2011. 65. Nelson A., Chomitz K.M., 2011. 66. Securing Rights, Combating Climate Change: How Strengthening Community Forest Rights Mitigates Climate Change. Rights and Resources Initiative and World Resources Institute. July 2014. 67. Victor M. Toledo. (Undated) 68. Ibid., note 47 71. See e.g. study from East Kalimantan, Indonesia, before and after severe flood: N. Liswanti, D. Sheil, I. Basuki, M. Padmanaba and G. Mulcahy, Falling back on forests: How forest-dwelling people cope with catastrophe in a changing landscape, International Forestry Review, Vol 13, no 4. 2011. 72. World Bank 2002. 73. CIFOR, papers can be downloaded here: publications/pen-paper-download-registration-form.html 74. FAO 2011 and The World Bank, 2004 75. TEEB 2010 76. FAO 2011c 77. UNEP 2013 (GEO 5). 78. This section builds on FAO 2011c ‘Forests for improved nutrition and food security’ 79. Ghazoul and Sheil 2010 2. Time for policy change 1. FAO 2010 2. Hansen, M. C. et al. 2013 3. Asner 2009; FAO 2011 4. FAO 2010 Several countries lack data for primary forest. of-indigenous-peoples 60. Sobrevila, C. 2008. 69. FAO 2014 70. UNFF 2012

5. FAO 2010 6. FAO 2010 7. FAO 2011 8. Mackey, B. et al 2014

9. The Greenpeace GIS Laboratory, University of Maryland and Transparent World, in collaboration with the World Resources Institute and WWF-Russia.

Available at 10. 11. FAO 2010

12. Peru: tracking-system.html DRC: tabid/131881/Default 13. Hansen et al. 2013 and Mongabay http://news.mongabay.



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