State of the Rainforest 2014

Brazil: Forest hero, but still a deforestation champion By Tasso Azevedo Tasso Azevedo is forest and climate consultant, former Director General, Brazilian Forest Service

Various studies published in recent years seek to identify the factors which led to such significant reduction of deforestation in a relatively short time. There is broad agreement that the following helped in reducing deforestation: implementation of the Plan for Protection and Combating Deforestation in the Amazon (PPCDAM); the economic framework for agriculture and cattle-raising activities; and initiatives from local governments, civil society and the Public Prosecutor’s Office. Let us look more closely at the PPCDAM. In 2004, just after the publication of the deforestation data for 2003/2004, fighting deforestation in the Amazon was declared a national priority. A task-force involving 13 ministries was created to elaborate a plan for combating deforestation. This plan, which became operational in March 2005, included actions within three areas: command and control (or law enforcement), regularization of land use and tenure, and incentives for sustainable economic activities.

Brazil is the country with the second largest forest cover on Earth, more than 5 million km 2 . Two thirds of the country’s forest cover is concentrated in the Amazon, which still contains approximately 80% of the original forest. The country has an enormous forest area, but deforestation rates in the 1990s were worrying. Brazil was losing almost 1% of its forest area annually. In 1995, the first year for which we have data that allow calculation of deforestation in all biomes, the area deforested reached 54,000 km 2 , an area bigger than Costa Rica. In the Amazon, deforestation that year reached an all-time high since measurements began; slightly more than 29,000 km 2 . Since 2005, however, deforestation rates have declined rapidly. In 2009, the last year for which there are official data for all biomes, deforestation fell to 17,800 km 2 , and more recent estimates indicate a total deforestation of between 12 and 15 thousand km 2 in 2012. The greatest reduction in deforestation occurred in the Amazon.

Reducing deforestation in Brazil Law enforcement and policies adopted

Fighting deforestation becomes a national priority Plan for Protection and Combating Deforestation in the Amazon (PPCDAM)

The Brazilian Institute for Space Research launches DEGRAD

A system for detection of forest degradation

The Brazilian Institute for Space Research launches DETER A system for detection of deforestation in real time Large police campaign against illegal logging and deforestation

PPCDAM phase 2 break the economic chain that upholds deforestation

Slow-down in creation of protected areas and Indigenous land

Public Forest Law Regulates forest concessions Soy moratorium

Annual deforestation Thousand square kilometres

Green Municipalities Program Restrict access to credit for municipalities with high deforestation rates


The Forest Code increases the size of the "legal reserve" Each property in the Amazon has to maintain 80% forest cover

Amazon Fund is created


New Forest Code Amnesty for previous illegal deforestation

Embargo on products coming from deforested areas



Beef moratorium



0 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Source: Nepstad, D., et. al., Slowing Amazon deforestation through public policy and interventions in beef and soy supply chains, Science, 2014



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