Women’s Empowerment at the Frontline of Adaptation

existing material conditions and social position determines the capacity of women to adapt to climate change. ‘Material conditions’ refers to the living conditions of women determined by their access to development services, health, literacy, employment opportunities, and natural, financial, and other resources. Women’s position in this study is analysed in terms of caste, class, ethnicity, and participation and ability to influence decisions within users groups and village development committees (VDCs). Methodology and Data Collection The data and supporting information for this study was collected through a variety of complementary means, including: ƒ ƒ The review of available research and project reports, policy documents,

and peer-reviewed literature from both national and international sources on topics of climate change, gender, agriculture, and natural resource management in Nepal ƒ ƒ Extensive participatory field consultations in three districts of Nepal within the Koshi River basin (Morang, Dhanusha, and Sankhuwasabha) including interviews with key informants; district- level consultations with government line agencies, community based

organizations, and federations (such as the district chapters of the Federation of Community Forestry Users Nepal [FECOFUN]); and gender-differentiated focus group discussions (FGDs) at the village level ƒ ƒ Two national-level consultations, including consultations with grassroots women leaders from six districts (Kavre, Sindhuli, Chitwan, Gorkha, Lamjung, and Sarlahi) and a national roundtable consultation with national and international governmental organizations (NGOs and INGOs) and district-level NGOs ƒ ƒ In-depth interviews with 35 key resource persons from various INGOs and NGOs, as well as independent researchers actively engaged in climate change and natural resource management at the district and national levels ƒ ƒ Collation of information via email, telephone, and personal contact with 76 gender experts working in 72 organizations in Nepal on climate change adaptation in agriculture, forestry, energy, water, disasters, and development Annexes 1 to 4 provide further details on the methodology as well as a complete list of people interviewed. A summary of the consultations is provided in Figure 2.


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