Zambia - Atlas of our Changing Environment


The programme addressed environmental concerns as identified by the National Environment Action Plan. The project enabled Zambia to develop its initial instruments to monitor environmental issues and helped the country build its legislative framework and capacity for environmental safeguarding (UN, 2013).

The Environment Support Programme was established by Zambian government in 1998 to encourage community participation in environmental and natural resource management and in supporting key government policies of poverty reduction, public service reform, and decentralisation. It was also intended to strengthen local government and privatisation initiatives. The programme was operated through a number of ministries and agencies and was coordinated by the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources. It had four main components: • Institutional Strengthening and Legal Framework; • Environmental Education and Public Awareness; • Pilot Environmental Fund; and, • Environmental Information Network and Monitoring System.

Industrial Pollution Prevention Programme

The Industrial Pollution Prevention Programme, implemented between 1997 and 2003, arose from the regulations and standards, which were set under the Environmental Protection and Pollution Control Act. It was aimed at preventing pollution and at attaining sustainable development. The programme developed ZEMA’s capacity to enforce regulations through the strict monitoring and licensing of industrial operations in the country. It also promoted cleaner industrial production through the Zambia Chamber of Commerce and Industry (UN, 2013).


Chapter 3 - Track ing Zambia’s Environmental Per formance

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