Zambia - Atlas of our Changing Environment

Kabompo district is located in the North-Western Province of Zambia, and is home to a population of 92,321. The district recorded a population growth rate of 2.6 per cent between 2000 and 2010, which was higher than the provincial population growth rate of 2.2 per cent (Central Statistics Office, 2012). Increase in the development of the mining activities in the upper Kabompo basin, has resulted in population growth and changes in land use. The encroachment of agriculture into the Ndenda Forest Reserve has contributed to the loss of forest cover as seen in the satellite images. Forest loss - Kabompo District

Women fetching water Haijden, M.C., 2008

Village in the forest Haijden, M.C., 2008

Forest loss in Kabompo Haijden, M.C., 2008

Vegetation along the Kabompo river, 2008


Chapter 2 - Zambia’s Changing Environment

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