Zambia - Atlas of our Changing Environment


Sustainable natural resource management is important as it contributes positively to national economic development and environmental protection. The development and implementation of sector programmes as discussed in Chapter 3 indicates that efforts are already underway at various levels of government to improve national environmental management. In promoting environmental management, it is important to: • Provide a human face to environmental issues; • Empower people to become active agents of sustainable and equitable development; • Promote the understanding that communities are pivotal to changing attitudes towards environmental issues; and, • Advocate for partnerships that ensure that all enjoy a clean and healthy environment and a more prosperous future.

The Zambian government recognises the need to strengthen the capacities of various stakeholders to participate actively in environmental management. Therefore, knowledge, reflection and action about the environment have become necessary pre- conditions for thoughtful action in dealing with issues of sustainable development. The Atlas of Zambia’s Changing Environment has addressed these needs by providing documented environmental changes that have occurred across Zambia as well as identifying their causes. The Atlas has attempted to convey the urgency of addressing these issues and has provided a list of key findings and recommendations to help guide these efforts.



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