Workshop on the World Ocean Assessment


Part 4: Physical and Chemical Processes Reference Point = conditions in 1900 Type Parameter

Summary Rationale

Current Condition ( 0 to 10 compared to reference point )

Current Trend ( Improving, Stable, Declining )

Best 10%

Most places

Worst 10%

Confid- ence H, M, L

Best 10%

Most places

Worst 10%

Confid- ence H, M, L

Transport mechanisms

Ocean currents, structure and dynamics Storms, cyclones, wind patterns Sediment inputs Sediment transportation Coastal/shoreline erosion

Sediment regime

Light regime Inshore water turbidity,

transparency and colour

Temperature regime Sea temperature, including SST Sea level Sea level change Nutrient

Nutrient supply and cycling: land- based (land sourced nutrients supplied by river or stream) Nutrient supply

supply, cycling

and cycling: ocean-based Freshwater inflow, surface and groundwater runoff Components Toxins, pesticides, herbicides Dumped wastes

Radionuclides Ocean acidity Ocean salinity Low oxygen-dead zones Groundwater salinity Coastal land salinity/acidity Seaweed/seagrass wracks Marine debris Major currents Major upwellings Oceanic fronts Air-sea nutrient fluxes, air-sea gas exchange

Physical Features

Air–sea Interactions

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