Wastewater - Turning Problem to Solution

Recovery value propositions from wastewater and biosolids

Potable water recovery

Ladder of increasing value propositions related to water reuse, based on increasing investments in water quality and/or the value chain.

Water recovery for industry

Energy recovery and carbon credits

Fresh drinking water

Internal production of sh feed, sh or biofuel

Industrial production

Decreased internal or external energy demand

Nutrients and organic matter recovery

Treatment value proposition

Feedstock, protein and ethanol production

Avoided freshwater use

Water recovery for irrigation

Carbon emissions o set

Safe disposal for environmental health

Yield increase

Yield increase

Avoided eutrophication

Enhanced surface water quality

Avoided freshwater use

Soil amelioration

Environmental ows

Water reliability

Public health

Groundwater recharge

Source: International Water Management Institute in Wichelns et al. 2015

Figure 2.6: Increasing value propositions related to wastewater treatment based on increasing investments and cost recovery potential. Note: There is a need to reflect on balancing the value of resource recovered with the cost of treatment to produce it and the concept of fit for purpose.


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