Waste Crime - Waste Risks: Gaps in Meeting the Global Waste Challenge

Countering illegal traffic: A snapshot of monitoring and enforcement At the global and regional levels, several initiatives have beenundertaken or are on-going to prevent and combat the illegal traffic of hazardous wastes and other wastes.

At the global level, Parties to the Basel Convention adopt decisions providing policy guidance to Parties on how to prevent and combat illegal traffic. For instance, Parties are encouraged to exchange information on their legislation or best practices and to transmit to the Secretariat forms for confirmed cases of illegal traffic. Parties also develop and adopt guidelines on how to prevent and combat illegal traffic. These guidelines can, among other things, harmonize their understanding of issues 2 at a global level. Finally, the Parties to the Basel Convention request that the Secretariat undertake a variety of tasks, such as assisting Parties, upon request, in identifying cases of illegal traffic, cooperating with regional or global enforcement organizations or networks, and deliv- ering technical assistance activities. 3 At its 11th meeting, the

2. See the Guidance Elements for Detection, Prevention and Control of Illegal Traffic in Hazardous Waste; and the Instruction manual on the prosecution of illegal traffic of hazardous wastes or other wastes; avail- able at: http://www.basel.int/Implementation/LegalMatters/IllegalTraffic/ Guidance/tabid/3423/Default.aspx. See also the latest version of the draft guidance on the illegal traffic take back provision, available in document UNEP/CHW.12/9/Add.2 at: http://www.basel.int/TheConvention/Confer- enceoftheParties/Meetings/COP12/tabid/4248/mctl/ViewDetails/Event- ModID/8051/EventID/542/xmid/13027/Default.aspx 3. For a list of meetings and workshops, see: http://www.basel.int/Imple- mentation/LegalMatters/IllegalTraffic/Meetings/tabid/2757/Default.aspx. For training tools, see: http://synergies.pops.int/Implementation/Tech- nicalAssistance/ToolsandMethodologies/Eleaningmoduleforlawenforce- ment/tabid/3534/language/fr-CH/Default.aspx - Should these be footnotes in the text and not references?


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