UNEP Year eBook 2014 Update - Rapid Change in the Arctic


CAFF (Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna) (2013). Arctic Biodiversity Assessment: Status and Trends in Arctic Biodiversity. Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna Working Group ( C A F F ) , A k u r e y r i , I c e l a n d . http://arcticbiodiversity.is Jeffries, M.O., Richter-Menge, J.A. and Overland, J.E. (eds.) (2013). Arctic Repor t Card: Update for 2013. Tracking recent environmental changes. www.arctic.noaa.gov/reportcard Sand, M., Berntsen, T.K., Seland, Ø. and Kristjánsson, J.E. (2013). Arctic su r f ace t empe r a t u re change t o emissions of black carbon within Arctic or mid-latitudes. Journal of Geophysical Research, 118, 14, 7788-7798. ht tp: / /on l i ne l i brar y.wi l ey.com/do i / 10.1002/jgrd.50613/abstract Screen, J.A., Simmonds, I. and Keay, K. ( 2011 ) . Dramat i c i nterannua l changes of perennial Arctic sea ice linked to abnormal summer storm act i v i t y. Jour na l of Geophys i ca l R e s e a r c h , 1 1 6 , 1 5 . h t t p : / / o n l i n e l i b r a r y . w i l e y . c o m / d o i / 10.1029/2011JD015847/abstract

Sharma, S., Ogren, J.A., Jefferson, A., Eleftheriadis, K., Chan, E., Quinn, P.K. and Burkhart, J.K. (2013). Black Carbon in the Arct ic. In: Arct ic Repor t Card: Update for 2013. www.arctic.noaa.gov/reportcard Stohl , A., Kl imont, Z., Eckhardt, S., Kupiainen, K., Shevchenko, V.P., Kope i k i n , V.M. and Nov i ga t sky, A.N. (2013). Black carbon in the Arctic: the under-estimated role of gas flaring and residential combustion engines. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 13, 8833-8855. www.atmos- c h em - p h y s . n e t / 1 3 / 8 8 3 3 / 2 0 1 3 / acp-13-8833-2013.html UNEP (2013). The View from the Top: Searching for responses to a rapidly changing Arctic. In: UNEP Year Book 2013: Emerging Issues in our Global Environment. UNEP Division of Early Warning and Assessment, Nairobi, Kenya . www.unep.org/ yearbook/ 2013/pdf/View_from_the_top_new.pdf

All external links accessed April 4, 2014 Reports and Articles AMA P ( A r c t i c Mo n i t o r i n g a n d Assessment Programme) (2013). AMAP Assessment 2013: Arct ic Ocean Acidification. Oslo, Norway. www.amap.no/documents/doc/amap-arctic- ocean-acidification-assessment-summary- for-policy-makers/808 AMAP/CAFF (Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna)/SDWG (Sustainable Development Working Group) (2013). Identification of Arctic marine areas of heightened ecological and cultural significance: Arctic Marine Shipping Assessment (AMSA) IIc. Oslo, Norway. www. ama p . n o / d o c ume n t s / d o c / Identification-of-Arctic-marine-areas-of- heightened-ecological-and-cul tural- significance-Arctic-Marine-Shipping- Assessment-AMSA-IIc/869 Arctic Centre, University of Lapland (2013). Arctic Indigenous Peoples. www. a r c t i ccen t r e . o r g / I nEng l i sh / SCIENCE-COMMUNICATIONS/Arctic- region/Arctic-Indigenous-Peoples


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