The Little Book of Green Nudges

The nudge: Run communication campaigns and events at times when people are forming new routines, such as the beginning of term. Create special occasions for collective action, such as “Cycle to Campus Week”. Evidence that it’s effective: People were four times more likely to sign up to a new bike-sharing scheme when they had recently moved into the area (because they were forming new routines in their lives) compared to when existing residents just had a bike docking station installed near their home. 29 Why it works: Humans are creatures of habit and it can be difficult to change our behaviour once we’ve gotten into a routine, but you can capitalize on or generate moments of disruption to help people start new habits. For example, encourage changes when someone moves house, or get people to try something new during a dedicated day, week or month. Harness or create timely moments MAKE IT TIMELY

Help newcomers form sustainable habits

How? Provide tips on sustainable food choices to first-year students, who may be shopping and cooking for themselves for the first time. Give new staff and students tips on sustainable travel to and around campus, such as transport information and maps of good bicycle routes. Who might be involved? Campus sustainability coordinators, student sustainability groups, HR department

The Little Book of Green Nudges 30

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