The Contribution of Space Technologies to Arctic Policy Priorities

reliance on external medical assistance and travel for patients; improvements in promoting awareness of general health and diseases; and cost-effective provision of food for isolated communities. yy Under the social and economic development priority in Russia’s Fundamentals of State Policy of the Russian Federation in the Arctic in the Period up to 2020 and Beyond policy, modernization of education, housing and health facilities is mentioned. Under the information, science and technology priority, increased support for scientific research in health is also mentioned. yy Kingdom of Denmark Strategy for the Arctic 2011-2020 emphasises that some Arctic communities are facing difficult social issues and a focus on coherence and integration will ensure the continuing positive development of Arctic communities. In particular, enhanced Arctic cooperation could include shared research and the exchange of “good / best practices” regarding infectious diseases, public health, telemedicine, as well as a culturally attuned health service and an environmental medicine focus. yy Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants contributes to increased safety measures for transporting and handling POPs. The policy will lead to the increased protection of human health from chemicals that remain intact in the environment for long periods, become widely distributed geographically, accumulate in the fatty tissue of humans and wildlife, and have adverse effects to human health (e.g. cancer, birth defects, disrupting immune systems). yy The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People addresses issues such as, identity, language, health, traditional livelihoods and provides guidance on harmonious, cooperative relationships with Indigenous peoples to ensure the on-going development of health, strong communities. yy The Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Convention 1989 has implications on the availability of health services to indigenous and tribal peoples. 8.3.3 Role of Satellite Systems COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS (Impact Medium) Telemedicine systems aim to provide quality health care services to persons whose access is otherwise restricted by geography or environment and they are particularly relevant in northern communities. Telemedicine encompasses the diagnosis, treatment, monitoring, and education of patients and provides convenient, site-independent access to expert advice and patient information. Telemedicine requires high-band width for video and file transfer. Health care services also require effective communications to support emergency transport of patients. 8.4 Connectivity 8.4.1 Overview Broadband or high-speed connectivity to a digital network infrastructure (including mobile communications) has become

a fundamental necessity in society. The role of broadband connectivity in remote, sparsely populated northern communities can be viewed as even more important for their quality of life, growth, competitiveness, and perhaps even the long-term survival, than in the south. As noted in the recent 2011 report prepared for the Canadian Northern Economic Agency entitled A Matter of Survival: Arctic Communities Infrastructure in the 21 st Century , access to reliable and affordable broadband is related to trade and commerce, education and health, government services, knowledge transfer, public safety, social network and entertainment, and it has become a foundation for a better way of life (Imaituk for Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency, April 30, 2011). 8.4.2 Policy The policy review found several specific references to the importance of connectivity in the Arctic regions to strengthen communities and increase prosperity. yy Iceland and the High North : This report, released in 2009, notes that cultural identity can be strengthened through increased cooperation and making use of modern technologies in a globalised world community. yy Russia’s FundamentalsofStatePolicyof theRussianFederation in the Arctic in the Period up to 2020 and Beyond : Released in 2009, the policy priorities include the improvement of the quality of life for indigenous peoples and their economic activities in the Arctic environment, and the development of the Arctic resource base through improved technological capabilities, with a particular focus on improved information technology and communications. yy Canada’s Northern Strategy notes the importance of addressing critical infrastructure needs such as modern communications networks which will contribute to a strong economy and increasingly prosperous communities. More specifically, this will be implemented by investing in infrastructureprograms likebroadband internet connections. yy The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People addresses issues such as, connectivity and education and provides guidance on harmonious, cooperative relationships with Indigenous peoples to ensure communities have access to network infrastructure to improve quality of life. 8.4.3 Role of Satellite Systems COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS (Impact High) The need for modern communication technology in isolated northern communities is considerable, and access to affordable, reliable, high-speed digital connectivity systems can play a decisive role in improving the lives of northern people and linking them to other communities.

9. CONCLUSIONS The Arctic is Changing

The Arctic is changing. At the root of much of that change is global warming. The Arctic is warming much faster than the rest


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