Sierra Leone - State of the Marine Environment 2015

11.8. Research, improvement of knowledge base reducing uncertainty in the marine and coastal environment • EPA-SL should in collaboration with its partners conduct regular assessment of the state of the environment of coastal and marine areas every 3–4 years. • EPA-SL should in collaboration with partners conduct regular monitoring of ecologically sensitive coastal areas and the marine environment. • EPA-SL and where possible other institutions with the availability of resources should prepare and maintain profiles of coastal area resources, activities, uses, habitats and protected areas. • In order to establish a basis for proper management and control on coastal environmental activities and issues, the existing data base must be improved both with regards to information on environmental characteristics and information on contaminant levels in the biota, sediments and possibly water.

11.9. Other measures

• Strengthening and coordination for the management of the coastal and marine environment. • Implementation of integrated coastal and marine management and sustainable development plans and programmes at national level. • EPA-SL, Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources and the Ministry of Forestry should develop a comprehensive management plans for the designated protected areas along the coastline. •Through the Ministry of Lands Country Planning and the Environment marine research in the country needs to be strengthened and intensified and participation in the regional programs including those initiatives of UNEP and WACOM are commendable and should continue. institutional cooperation


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