SIDS-FOCUSED Green Economy


Synthesis Report

Water plays a critical role in supporting economic development, public health and environmental protection. Greening the water sector canbe awin-win situationwhere standards of health and livelihood of citizens are improved, the environment is protected and economic activity is increased. The sector is closely tied to others such as tourism, waste (wastewater pollution), energy (distribution, hydropower and supplies for cooling) and fisheries (reflected by the health of inland and coastal fisheries, a direct result of water quality).

Agriculture is also an important industry in some SIDS (e.g. sugar cane) and is often constrained by access to water 18 . The availability of clean potable water has significant effects on the health of population. SIDS, though surrounded by water, grapple with limited potable water supplies, poor potable water quality, sanitisation and inefficient distribution systems. The connectivity of the different components of the water cycle is also important, as

Challenges Faced by Specific SIDS Groups

SIDS Group Water Resource Issues Pacific 19

• absence of reliable groundwater lenses • polluted groundwater supplies on larger atolls • mass sedimentation caused by unchecked watershed developments • poor sanitisation • variable rainfall patterns • salinisation • inefficient distribution networks • variable precipitation • high runoff exacerbated by the steepness of the slopes in catchment areas • high soil porosity • competing demands from tourism, industrial sectors and population growth • demands caused by population growth



Caribbean 21

• highly seasonal rainfall • deforestation

• conflicting land use activities within watersheds • reduced absorption capacities of soil due to erosion • inefficient distribution networks • demands by rapid population growth and competing economic sectors

18 Whilst agriculture is not covered as an individual section, this sector remains important for SIDS’ economies and it is important for them to improve food security through productivity and adaptability to climate change. 19 UNEP. 2005. Pacific Environment Outlook. Special Edition for the Mauritius International Meeting for the 10-year Review of the Barbados Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States . 20 UNEP. 2005. Atlantic and Indian Oceans Environment Outlook. Special Edition for the Mauritius International Meeting for the 10-year Review of the Barbados Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States . 21 UNEP. 2005. Caribbean Environment Outlook. Special Edition for the Mauritius International Meeting for the 10-year Review of the Barbados Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States .


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