SIDS-FOCUSED Green Economy


environmental degradation and skewed benefit sharing of wealth can occur 16 . Greening tourism is more than promoting ecotourism. Rather, it requires a shift across the entire industry pertaining to the implementation of policies, practices and programmes that embrace sustainability, focusing on: • conservation of natural resources, maintaining the resource base and protecting biodiversity and ecosystems; • the use of renewable sources of energy; • reduction of water consumption; • maintenance of culture, traditions and heritage and the promotion of cultural tolerance and respect; and • generation of income for local communities; and the alleviation of poverty in communities 17 . ForSIDStoderivethegreatestpossiblebenefit from the greening of their economies, they will have to adopt comprehensive national tourism plans that are fully integrated with overall national development. Only through such processes will concepts and planning tools such as setbacks, disaster risk management and strategic environmental assessments become mainstreamed in the development and approval stages of governance. Policies and regulatory frameworks that account for the benefits of environmental resource as well as the costs their conservation and managing can become important catalysts for the adoption of more environmentally sound practices by the sector. Sharing of successful approaches among SIDS who experience many of the same challenges and obstacles will be important. They can also be valuable partners in building capacities. The bulk of tourism in most SIDS is carried out by small and medium enterprises who could contribute more to Green Economic growth if provided with better access to information, capacity and technology. Better organisation of tourism in each SIDS, provision of technical support and information and collaboration among tourism sector enterprises and government will be essential in the transition to a green economy. Fruitful relations with specific chains or operators can be powerful avenues for local and national implementation of greening tourism and related capacity building. For tourism,

foreign investors often have to meet financing requirements such as environmental audits or social impact assessments from banks and insurance companies – despite these valid demands, ways need to be found to make them become strong partners in supporting SIDS Green Economy. SIDS cooperation at a regional and global scale to develop shared standards for tourismdevelopment is a powerful approach to achieve the greatest societal benefits from cooperation with the private sector.

16 UNEP. 2005. Atlantic and Indian Oceans Environment Outlook. Special Edition for the Mauritius International Meeting for the 10-year Review of the Barbados Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States. 17 UNEP. 2011. Towards a Green Economy: Pathways to Sustainable Development and Poverty Eradication.


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