Programme Cooperation Agreement 2014: Final Report for the Period 01 January 2014 to 01 March 2015

Other KNOK 5 004 (10%)

Personnel KNOK 32 723 (63%)

Travel KNOK 4 438 (8%)

The 2015 budget serves as the basis for the draft MFA work plan and is normally prepared in November and approved by the Board of Directors in the beginning of December. The budget is based on the present fundraising outlook. Figure 3 shows the Board-approved funding budget of MNOK 61.6 for 2015, distributed by Programme. The budget includes MNOK 4.5 from MCE, MNOK 24.0 from MFA, MNOK 15.1 from UNEP and MNOK 19.8 from other external sources. The leveraging percentage linked to MCE and MFA funds is 122%. More than 65% of this leveraged funding was secured by the end of 2014.

Subcontractors KNOK 9 806 (19%)

Figure 2: Breakdown of the 2014 expenditures of KNOK 51.972








Table 3: Expenditures versus funding 2014 and impact on funding reserves (KNOK)

How  are  Programmes  funded  (funding  source) How Program es are fun ed (by source)

20000  000

18000  000

16000  000

14000  000

12000  000

10000  000

8000  000

6000  000

4000  000

2000  000


Polar  and Mountain Environments

State  of Environment Repor+ng

Marine  and Coastal Resources

Communi-­‐ ca+ons

Environmental Crime

Green Economy

Marine  Spa+al Planning

Transboundary Waters

Blue  Carbon



2216  720 3880  300 2783  365 100  000

2000  000 8821  987 7500  000

400  000 3744  500 4002  000

8486  100

126  000

276  700 1353  807 1129  000

1391  500 740  000 2841  500 300  000

198  500 1201  500 2029  000

20  000




1540  600

1151  500 1336  000

2060  000






Figure 3: How the Programmes are funded (funding source)


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