Programme Cooperation Agreement 2012 – 2013

The World Bank has already approached GRID-Arendal with respect to designing and facilitating the 2014 WAVES partnership meeting. Although the broader impacts (for example on the state of ecosystems) of a workshop are difficult to ascertain, the positive response from partici- pants on the process chosen and implemented, and the renewed interest demonstrated by the World Bank can be counted as recognition of GRID-Arendal’s capacity to de- liver innovative group facilitation. ii) Collaboration with the Commonwealth Secretariat In April 2012, GRID-Arendal facilitated a half day Think Session with 46 participants from 23 developing coun- tries of the Commonwealth. Country representatives were inter-ministerial and included members of parliament, academia and finance, foreign, fisheries and environment ministries. The Think Session was part of a 3 day Com- monwealth Ocean Governance Forum which included UNEP Regional Seas and was a first step towards a capac- ity development partnership with countries to create and operationalize enabling conditions for a green economy for countries dependent on the oceans. 50 “I would like to extend my personal thanks to GRID- Arendal for helping to make this event such a success and, in particular, for assistance in both delivering an extremely thought provoking half-day workshop on the Green Economy in a Blue World and for preparing material which was displayed at an evening reception during the forum. My Division has collaborated with GRID-Arendal for a number of years relating to submissions [to the] UN Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf. I understand that both UNEP and GRID-Arendal are keen to develop this relationship further in the area of ocean governance and in particular the application of the Green Economy concept to the oceans. I welcome the opportunity to work collaboratively in this area.” 8 May 2012 UNEP, GRID-Arendal and the Commonwealth Secretariat subsequently convened a Caribbean Green Economy in a Blue World exploratory workshop in Montego Bay, Jamaica in April 2013. The workshop was a deeper exploration of the opportunities and challenges presented by a green econo- my transition. Delegates from 12 Caribbean island states explored different pathways to a sustainable future with an environmental economist and an ecological economist. SIGNIFICANT OUTCOME: Meeting partner expectations (3) Extract from a letter from José Maurel, Director, Commonwealth Secretariat

SIGNIFICANT OUTCOME: Benefits of partnership Collaborative agreements with partners such as the World Bank, the Commonwealth Secretariat and Duke University have multiple benefits - they strengthen the projects we are currently working on together, but also reduce the transaction costs, enhance the continuity of collaborative work, ensure more stable, continuous resources and enhance conservation science, policy and action more effectively than either organization working on its own. iii) Collaboration with Duke University In discussions between GRID-Arendal and Duke, four ar- eas of mutual interest have been identified, with collabora- tive work underway in two. These are: ecosystem services (underway), deep sea mining (underway), blue carbon and enabling a green economy in a blue world. An MoU with Duke University on these areas of mutual interest was formalized in October 2012 and runs until June 2015. TEEB for Oceans In January 2012, GRID-Arendal in collaboration with The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB) Secre- tariat and Duke University produced a Think Piece, ‘Why Value the Oceans?’ 51 The Piece gathered commentary from 22 global marine experts and laid the foundation for the development of a full TEEB for Oceans and Coasts study. GRID-Arendal, in partnership with UNEP Regional Seas and Duke University, with funding from UK DEFRA and under the auspices of the UNEP TEEB Office, has sub- mitted a full project proposal to UNEP for a 4-year TEEB for Oceans and Coasts valuation study. The proposal has been approved for inclusion in UNEP’s 2014-2015 PoW. TEEB for Oceans and Coasts will support the mainstream- ing of biodiversity and ecosystem considerations in na- tional policymaking and broader societal perspectives. Together with the UNEP TEEB Office and UNEP DEPI, GRID-Arendal is now engaged in fundraising for the 4-year TEEB study. A large number of potential partners have already been identified. 52 In addition a TEEB knowl- edge portal, 53 developed by GRID-Arendal, was launched in February 2013. Council, national government policy advisors (e.g. options: Ecuador, Columbia, US, EU, Norway, UK, Pacific Island Countries), UNEP, UNDP, WAVES, Academia (e.g. Duke University, McGill, UBC, others TBD), Community-based decision makers (particularly from SIDS and Developing Coastal States - the Many Strong Voices network), member(s) of relevant Arctic Council Workgroups, Civil Society (e.g. WRI, CI, IUCN, WWF, Earth Economics, other TBD), Social Innovation Groups (e.g. Presencing Institute) and the mainstream media. 53. 51. 52. TEEB Secretariat, Global Ocean Commission, World Ocean

50. A press release of the event can be found at: 0412oceansgovernance.htm


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