Programme Cooperation Agreement 2010 – 2011

5 Scope and context

While the Final Report places emphasis on the detailed work programme outlined under the PCA, the review of programme implementation also summarizes some of the work undertaken by GRID-Arendal beyond that Agreement (for example in relation to activities implemented under the Polar and Cryosphere Programme). This is done to show the close integration within and across the programme areas and the co-benefits that derive from sharing skills, partners and expertise between projects. However, the outcomes and impacts that are highlighted in the chapters below can all be ascribed to projects funded by MoFA.

For the revised 2011 Work Programme, however, Environmental Assessments and Information was subdivided into (i) Capacity Building and Assessments, and (ii) Communications and Outreach. While the Final Report reflects this functional division, it should be noted that the ‘cross support’ provided by Communications and Outreach (e.g. cartography, layout, publication support, digital integration, and web development) are intricately related to the operations of the other three units. Therefore, the contributions to GRID- Arendal’s strategic objectives made by the unit are to a significant extent reflected in the activities of the other units and, consequently, in the narrative of this report.

In 2010 GRID-Arendal implemented its work programme according to the three focal areas discussed above.

6 Methodology and structure

In an effort to illuminate the connection between planned activities and their associated results and achievements – and to reduce duplication of information – the report unites implementation description and results assessment in chapters 7 through 9, as they relate to the four focus areas – Marine, Polar & Cryosphere, Environmental Assessments & Information, and Communication & Outreach. 4 Within each of these, a narrative for major projects or programmes that covers both implementation and, where possible, results are provided. Discussion of results is easily identified in the narrative by blue text. The second chapter summarises the status of implementation, delivery and results of the Work Programme carried out under the PCA. Chapter 10 presents comprehensive financial information for the biennium period. The report concludes by summarizing some of the key considerations for programme management including

deviations from, and adjustments to the programme, problems and risks encountered, Work Programme efficiency and effectiveness and, last but not least, insight into lessons learned. The gender dimension is addressed in the report through discussion of individual interventions where relevant, rather than as a ‘stand-alone’ segment. Annex 1 provides further details of 2011 activities, outputs and indicators under specific parts of the programme. A global map on the distribution of activities under the UNEP Shelf Programme is contained in Annex 2. Annex 3 presents a letter from the auditors regarding GRID-Arendal finances, while Annex 4 provides a complete list of the publications produced in 2011. Implementation, outcomes and impact of GRID-Arendal’s Programme of Work 2010-2011.

4. In contrast to the 2010 Progress Report, which had separate chapters for implementation and results, respectively.


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