Outlook on Climate Change Adaptation in the Western Balkan Mountains

development is an issue for the Government Program (2014–2018), although it does not foresee any actions related to adaptation in this sector. Human health The laws governing healthcare in the countries of the Western Balkans create the conditions to maintain and improve the health of their citizens. According to these laws, healthcare measures include prevention and protection from any harmful ecological factors. None of these laws, however, include measures directly related to climate change or adaptation to climate change. In order to increase and improve knowledge and build capacity on adaptation-related health issues, prevent diseases aggravated by climate change, and reduce risks from extreme weather events, it is necessary to develop climate change adaptation strategies for public health. Albania and FYR Macedonia are the only Western Balkan countries to have developed these strategic documents (see Annex 1).

Protecting health from climate change: a seven-country initiative

The initiative of theWHORegional Office for Europe aimed to protect human health from the impacts of climate change through addressing adaptation, strengthening health systems, and building institutional capacity in seven countries: Albania, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, the Russian Federation, Tajikistan, FYR Macedonia, and Uzbekistan. The pilot initiative provided a wealth of valuable information and policy lessons for the whole WHO European Region (e.g. methodology and tools developed throughout this initiative are based on well-established frameworks and adapted to country-specific needs and requirements). The experiences and developed good practices are documented and transferable to other countries. General core activities carried out in all seven countries were:

• Development of national health adaptation strategies or action plans • Assessment of health vulnerability, impact and adaptive capacity • Capacity development and national outreach, including education activities • Research and innovation • Inter-country exchange of knowledge and good practices The Albanian Strategy for Health System Adaptation into the Climate Change was adopted by the Ministry of Health in October 2011. The Climate Change Health Adaptation Strategy and the Heat–Health Action Plan were adopted by the government of FYR Macedonia in February 2011. For more information, please visit http://www. euro.who.int

Policy Evaluation Matrix

Mainstreaming of adaptation goals and targets


Adaptation targets

Gender issues


1- low or not considered at all

2- low or mentioned at least

3- somewhat integrated/present

4- high or fully integrated



Bosnia and Herzegovina

FYR Macedonia

Availability of implementation tools

Regional (Joint responses)








No data

Monitoring and Evaluation

Mountain adaptation considerations

No data

No data

No data

Regional/transboundary adaptation considerations

*This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244/99 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence.

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