Outlook on Climate Change Adaptation in the South Caucasus Mountains



and integrate environmental concerns into existing socio-economic programmes • Establish an information exchange system, which allows to monitor the implementation of climate change adaptation programmes and projects (including budget allocation) and to assess their impacts • Formulate strategies and action plans, including measurable indicators, to better guide the implementation, monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) of accompanying actions, in particular at the local level Cross-cutting • Establish comprehensive data-sharing mechanism allowing to link and build synergy between relevant adaptation programmes and projects, as well as between policy and action, which will work both ways: policy based action and action results reflection into policy documents • Design programmes and projects that are user- driven (civil society, targeted vulnerable groups, etc.), not just donor-driven • Promote a regional approach to climate change adaptation, including exchange of data and information, methodologies of research assessments, monitoring of climate change, and coordination of relevant actions on the ground among the countries of the South Caucasus • Promote ecosystem-based approaches to climate change adaptation including building on the results and success of other relevant initiatives such as the Caucasus Biodiversity Council Regional level 3

• Mobilize resources and allocate adequate governmental budget to support the implementation of adaptation programmes and actions • Enhance the use of existing climate change financial mechanisms and instruments such as the Green Climate Fund Coordinationmechanisms and cooperation • Create relevant coordination mechanisms including inter-sectoral working groups and councils, to identify and address country needs and priorities as well as to provide a more coordinated approach towards action. Enhanced communications between the various actors involved in climate change activities would promote synergies between the different actions • Create amechanismand incentives for cooperation between the public and private sector Capacity building • Strengthen the in-house capacity of relevant government ministries (e.g. Ministry of Environment) to support the continuity of actions undertaken • Establish self-sustaining climate change knowledge centres or hubs that are linked with government authorities for engaging in systematic research and technology transfer (e.g. provided through Climate Technology Centre &Network), to provide expertise for governments and other stakeholders, as well as to ensure knowledge transfer and uptake of results at the policy level Implementation and monitoring • Create a paradigm shift towards adaptation actions, instead of only focusing on mitigation,

National level

Information and awareness • Increase awareness about climate change and its impacts, especially in mountain regions and ecosystems, among governments, including at the highest political level, and other stakeholders, particularly outside of the environment sector • Identify vulnerable economic sectors (e.g. energy, tourism) depending on mountain ecosystem goods and services (such as water resources) using existing data and future projections to provide a strong incentive for action to enhance support for climate change adaptation measures Policy and law • Strengthen the governance system and overall strategic approaches including policies and laws related to climate change and adaptation to generate high-level political support for climate change and adaptation issues • Where necessary, establish long-term policies and strategies, as well as necessary funding mechanisms to support the sustainability of actions undertaken • Incorporate mountain-specific considerations and related adaptation approaches into relevant policies and laws • Develop pro-active actions and mechanisms at the policy level (e.g. “Loss and Damage”) aimed at mitigating the damage caused by climate change Financial mechanisms • Establish innovative funding mechanisms for enhanced climate change adaptation, particularly in mountain regions


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