Mountain Adaptation Outlook Series - Synthesis Report

Enhancing regional cooperation through policy dialogues

Based on the key risks and gaps identified in the various Outlooks, UN Environment has been working with partners, including national governments, in the respective regions to promote regional cooperation on adaptation to climate change in mountain regions. Regional meetings were organised in all mountain regions covered in this report to stimulate discussions towards a shared joint vision for climate change and adaptation in mountain ecosystems. The meetings aimed to clarify national and regional priorities that the participating countries have in common and to facilitate cooperation for adaptation to climate change. In addition, the workshops sought to gain input from various key designated governmental and non-governmental stakeholders and experts on climate change and sustainable mountain development from the various countries. Existing institutional anchors, such as the Interstate Commission on Sustainable Development (ICSD) in Central Asia, The East African Community (EAC) in East Africa, CONDESAN and the Andean Mountain Initiative in the Andes, have proved useful for obtaining a mandate for regional dialogue and cooperative action. The guidance documents (format and outputs vary from region to region) prepared and reviewed at these meetings included a list of policies, institutional measures and programmatic actions that are necessary to reduce the risks of climate change, in alignment with national priorities. The goals and measures of the strategic guidance were organised around the policy sectors that were identified to be the most in need for adaptation measures.

Bus travelling on road through landslide terrain in Peruvian Andes


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