Mountain Adaptation Outlook Series - Synthesis Report

Global action on adaptation

as the impacts of climate change are already being felt by communities around the world, the issue has gained much greater attention in recent years. The Nairobi Work Programme (NWP) was established in 2005 as a mechanism to facilitate the development, dissemination and use of relevant knowledge to promote adaptation policies and practises. The programme has a particular mandate to support Least Developed Countries (LDCs) and Small Island Developing States (SIDS). As part of the Cancun Adaptation Framework (CAF) adopted in 2010, the Adaptation Committee (AC) was established to ensure more coherent adaptation action under the UNFCCC. The AC has 5 main functions: • To provide the Parties with technical support. • To facilitate information and knowledge-sharing, including good practices and experiences. • To strengthen engagement and cooperation with national, regional and international networks, centres and organisations. • To support the Conference of the Parties with information, recommendations and guidance when considering adaptation actions. • To monitor, review and support the Parties in their adaptation actions. Further action is promoted under the Nairobi Work Programme including through the Adaptation Knowledge Portal (AKP), the mandate of which is to provide free and open access knowledge and information on climate change adaptation. The Paris Agreement entered into force in November 2016, with the aim to limit global temperature rise

Among the international strategies that make up the global policy response for action on climate change, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), adopted in 1992, is the leading institution for global cooperation. Initially,

work primarily centred around mitigation efforts and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, with the adoption of the Kyoto Protocol in 1997 outlining binding reduction targets. Adaptation has been viewed as a complementary response to mitigation efforts, but

Maasai herder, Kenya


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