Marine Atlas: Maximizing Benefits for Kiribati



Marine managed and protected areas are key to maintaining Kiribati’s valuable marine resources. To effectively implement these areas, it is important to combine traditional marine management with national and international efforts.

reason, the world wants to protect at least 10 per cent of coastal and marine areas by 2020, as formulated in an international CBD target (see also chapter “Kiribati’s commit- ment to marine conservation”). Indeed, ma- rine managed areas are steadily increasing. Marine managed areas are areas of the ocean that are managed for specific purpos- es, which can include protection of biodi- versity or sustainable use of the resources. These areas are summarized in the World Database on Protected Areas (WDPA), which The plants and animals that currently live in the “wilderness” of the ocean, and those we want to preserve in marine protected areas, are just a fraction of what once thrived in the seas. To un erstand what we’ve lost, and what we mi ht be able to recover, we need to know what used to be. EXPLOITATION AND PROTECTED AREAS A LOOK INTO THE PAST The plants and animals that currently live in the “wilderness” of the ocean, and those we want to preserve in marine protected areas, are just a fraction of what once thrived in the seas. To understand what we’ve lost, and what we might be able to recover, we need to know what used to be. EXPLOITATION AND PROTECTED AREAS A LOOK INTO THE PAST The plants and animals that currently live in the “wilderness” of the ocea , and those e want to preserve in marine protected are s, are just a fraction of what once thrived in the seas. To understand what we’ve lost, and what we might be able to recover, we need to know what used to be. EXPLOITATION AND PROTECTED AREAS A LOOK INTO THE PAST The pl nts an ani ls that urrently live in th wilder ess” of th o e n, a d t os w ant to p s rve in mari e protected areas, are just fraction f hat on thrive in the s as. To underst n t ’v lost, w at w i ht b ble t rec er, ne t k h t s t . XP TIO AND PROT CT D AR A A LOOK I T THE is a global compilation of both terrestrial and marine protected areas produced by IUCN and UNEP-WCMC (Protected Planet, 2016). For protected areas to be included in this database, they must align with one of six IUCN protected area management catego- ries, which provide international standards for defining protected areas and encour- age conservation planning according to their management aims. Only one of these categories is “no take”, and they are often placed at the core of a protected area. How- ever, holistic, sustainable marine manage- ment on a large scale is key to conserving the marine values. Recognizing the importance of designating areas for marine life to recover, in 2016, Kiribati declared its whole ocean area—all 3.5 million km2 of the EEZ—as a shark sanctuary, banning all commercial fishing of sharks. As a gift to humanity, Kiribati cre- ated the PIPA in 2006, an MPA that covers more than 11 per cent of the country’s total EEZ and serves as a spawning ground for tuna. The government is currently scaling up The plants and animals that currently live in the “wilderness” of the ocean, and those we want to preserve in marine protected areas, are just a fraction of what once thrived in the seas. To understand what we’ve lost, and what we might be able to recover, we need to know what used to be. EXPLOITATION AND PROTECTED AREAS A LOOK INTO THE PAST Declining Populations* (Percentage Change) Declining Populations* (Percentage Change) Declining Populations* (Percentage Change) Declining Po ulations* (Percentage Cha e) these efforts towards the creation of com- munity- and village-based MPAs throughout the country.

Taking into account every type and category of protected area globally, only 3.5 per cent of the ocean is currently protected. Environ- mental organizations and scientists recom- mend that between 20 and 50 per cent of the ocean should be protected. The goal is not to preserve things as they are—even protected areas harbour only a tiny fraction of the biodiversity that once existed—but to allow life to recover.

This is crucial, given the decline of global marine populations (see graphic). For this 5.7 % Marine Protected Areas (MPA) Strongly protected (No-take-zone) Partial No-take-zone Weakly protected Marine Protected Areas—Space to Recover Marine Protected Areas – Space to Recover

2015 A thousand years ago, you could catch fish in many re- gions with nothing more than your bare hands and a net. Just 500 years ago, gray whales and right whales, whose meat was prized on the market, were a common sight in the North Sea. A few hundred years ago, there were still millions of sea turtles in the Caribbean—it is said that Co- lumbus’ men complained that they couldn’t sleep because of the racket made by the gigantic animals constantly col- liding with the ships’ hulls. In the 17th century, there were still 90 million green sea turtles. Some dubbed them soup turtles because they served as ample fresh-meat for sea- farers, and later as delicacies for the wealthy back home. Today there are only 300,000 of them left in the Caribbean. tected, like the Ross Sea. Designated as a no-take zone in 2017, the sea is now the largest marine protected area in the world. For the next 35 years, all types of exploitation are prohibited in more than 70 percent of the area, while the rest may only be used for limited research purposes. Environmental organizations and scientists demand that between 20 and 50 percent of the ocean be designated as protected areas. The goal is not to preserve things as they are—even in protected areas we see only a tiny fraction of the biodiversity that once existed—but to allow life to recover. A thousand years ago, you could catch fish in many re- gions with nothing more than your bare hands and a net. Just 500 years ago, gray whales and right whales, whose meat was prized on the market, were a common sight in the North Sea. A few hundred years ago, there were still millions of sea turtles in the Caribbean—it is said that Co- lumbus’ men complained that they couldn’t sleep because of the racket made by the gigantic animals constantly col- liding with the ships’ hulls. In the 17th century, there were still 90 million green sea turtles. Some dubbed them soup turtles because they served as ample fresh-meat for sea- farers, and la er as delicacies for the wealthy back home. Today there are only 300,000 of them left in the Caribbean. tected, like the Ross Sea. Designated as a no-tak zone in 2017, the sea is now the largest marine protected area in the world. For the next 35 ye rs, all types of exploitation are prohibited in more than 70 percent of the area, while the rest may only be used for limited research purposes. Enviro mental org nizatio s and scientists demand tha between 20 and 50 percent of th ocean be designated as protected areas. The goal is not to preserve things as they are—even in protected areas w see only a tiny fraction of the biodiversity that once existed—but to allow life to r cover. A thousand years ago, you could catc fish in many re- gions with nothing more than your bare hands nd a net. Just 500 years ago, gray whales and right whales, whose meat was prized on the market, were a common sight in the North Sea. A few hundr d years ago, there were still millions of sea turtles in the Caribbean—it is said that Co- l mbus’ men complained t at they couldn’t sle p because of the racket made by the gigantic animals co stantly col- liding with the ships’ hulls. In the 17th century, there were still 90 million gre n sea turtles. Some dubbed them soup turtles because they served as ample fresh-meat for sea- farers, and l ter as delicacies for the wealthy back home. Today there re only 30 ,000 f th m left in the Caribbean. E ven if we s m up every ty e a d categ ry f protect- ed area, only 3.5 percent f the ce n is cu re tly r tecte . And only 1.6 percent is strictly or fu ly pro- tected, li e t e Ro s S a. Design ted as a o-take zon in 2 17, t e se is t e largest marine r tected re i t e world. For the next 3 years, a l types of ex loitation re prohibited in more th 7 percent of t e area, while the rest may ly be used f r limited research purposes. viro mental orga iz ti ns a d scientists deman that t een 20 and ercent of t e ocean be esi te s rotected reas. The al is not to r serve things as they re—eve i r tected areas we see o ly a tiny fracti of the io iversity that once existed but to allow life to recover. thous years ago, y u could catch fish i many re- gi ns wit thi g more th y ur b re h s a net. J st 5 years o, gray w les d ri ht les, h se e t as rize n t e market, ere co mon sight in the N rt Sea. fe undre years go, there were sti l mi li s of se turtles i the C ribbean—it is said t t C - l mb s’ me co l i e t at t ey couldn’t slee beca se of t e rac et m de by t e gigantic imals c nstantly c l- lidin wit t e s ips’ hu ls. I the 17t cent ry, there were still 90 mi lion gr en sea turtles. Some dub ed them s p turtles bec se t ey served as a le fresh-me t f r sea- farers, a d l ter as delicacies for the wealthy b ck ho e. Today the are only 3 0,000 of the left in t e C rib e . 2 3 4 6 5 7 10 11 12 8 9 0.5 0.1 0.9 0.1 2.5 0.3 3.5 1.6 1.9 MPAs that are strongly protected Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument USA 2006 tected, like the Ross Sea. Designated as a no-take zone in 2017, the sea is now the largest marine protected area in the world. For the next 35 years, all types of exploitation are prohibited in more than 70 percent of the area, while the rest may only be used for limited research purposes. Environmental organizations and scientists demand that between 20 and 50 percent of the ocean be designated as protected areas. The goal is not to preserve things as they are—even in protected areas we see only a tiny fraction of the biodiversity that once existed—but to allow life to recover. E ven if we sum up every type and category of protect- ed area, only 3.5 percent of the ocean is currently protected. And only 1.6 percent is strictly or fully pro- E ven if we sum up every type and category of prot ct- ed area, only 3.5 percent of the ocean is currently protected. A d only 1.6 percent is strictly or fully pro- Nazca-Desventuradas Marine Park Chile 2015 Kermadec Ocean Sanctuary Area New Zealand 2015 Pitcairn Islands Marine Reserve Great Britain 2015 Extension USA 2016 Paci—c Remote Islands Marine National Monument USA 2009, 2014 Phoenix Islands Protected Area Kiribati 2006 Marianas Trench Marine National Monument USA 2009 E ven if we sum up every type and category of protect- ed area, only 3.5 percent of the ocean is currently protected. And only 1.6 percent is strictly or fully pro- Rapa Nui Marine Park Chile 2015 Ross Sea Marine Protected Area Antarctica 2016 2 5 4 3 7 9 12 8 10 11

Declining Populations * (Percentage Change)

4.3 A thousand years ago, you could catch fish in many re- gions with nothing more than your bare hands and a net. Just 500 years ago, gray whales and right whales, whose meat was prized on the market, were a common sight in the North Sea. A few hundred years ago, there were still millions of sea turtles in the Caribbean—it is said that Co- lumbus’ men complained that they couldn’t sleep because of the racket made by the gigantic animals constantly col- liding with the ships’ hulls. In the 17th century, there were still 90 million green sea turtles. Some dubbed them soup turtles because they served as ample fresh-meat for sea- farers, and later as delicacies for the wealthy back home. Today there are only 300,000 of them left in the Caribbean. Predatory sh (tuna, sail sh, sword sh) Predatory sh (tuna, sail sh, sword sh) Predatory sh (tuna, sail sh, sword sh) Predatory sh (tuna, sail sh, sw rd sh) E ven if we sum up every type and category of protect- ed area, only 3.5 percent of the ocean is currently protected. And only 1.6 percent is strictly or fully pro- tected, like the Ross Sea. Designated as a no-take zone in 2017, the sea is now the largest marine protected area in the world. For the next 35 years, all types of exploitation are prohibited in more than 70 percent of the area, while the rest may only be used for limited research purposes. Environmental organizations and scientists demand that between 20 and 50 percent of the ocean be designated as protected areas. The goal is not to preserve things as they are—even in protected areas we see only a tiny fraction of the biodiversity that once existed—but to allow life to recover. Sea turtles - 96.5 % - 75.7 % Sea turtles - 96.5 % - 75.7 % Sea turtles - 96.5 % Sea turtles - 9 . % - 75.7 % - 75.7 %

Declining Populations* (Percentage Change)

- 87.6 %

- 87.6 % - 87.6 %

- 96.5 %

- 87.6 %

- 87.6 %



Not yet implemented


Reef sh ATLAS 2017 | SOURCE: LOTZE&WORM * Based on historical sources. - 89.4 %



Sea turtles



- 75.7 %

- 89.4 %

Predatory sh (tuna, sail sh, sword sh)

- 89.4 % - 8 .4 %

Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Australia 1975 sh word sh) Prince Edward Islands Marine Protected Area South Africa 2009 1 6


- 89.4 %

Not just the populations were huge; the creatures themselves were also larger. At the start of the 20th cen- tury, fishermen pulled sturgeons more than three meters long from the Elbe River in Germany. In the same period, a manta ray weighing 2,200 kilograms was caught off the east coast of the USA. Today, though, there are hardly any big fish left. The reason is the fishing industry, because fish are caught before they have a chance to grow. It is an old lesson that we are slow to learn. 2,000 years ago, the Romans commercially fished 150 different species. And the colonization of the new world in the 16th century had fatal consequences for more than just the green sea turtle. The history of whaling provides an excellent exam- ple. Whalers said the right whale got its name because it Reef sh * Based on historical sources. Reef sh * Based on historical sources. Not just the populations were huge; t creatures th mselv s were also larger. At the start of the 20th cen- tury, fis ermen pull d sturge ns more than thre meters long from the Elbe River in Germany. In the same period, a manta ray weighing 2,200 kilogram was caught off the east c ast of the USA. Today, thoug , there are hardly any big fish left. The reason is the fishing industry, because fish are caught before they h ve chance to grow. Reef sh * Based on historical sources. Not just the populatio s were hug ; the creatures them elves were also larger. t the start of t e 2 t ce - tury, fish rmen pu le sturge ns more than thr e eters long from th lb iver in Germa y. I the same perio , mant ray eighing 2,200 ilo rams was caught t e east coast of the USA. Today, though, t ere re hardly any ig fish left. T e rea n is the shi in ustry, beca se fish re cau ht before they have a hance t gr . Reef sh * Based on historical sources. Not just the populations were huge; the creatures themselves were also larger. At th start of t 20th cen- tury, fishermen pulled sturgeons more than three meters long from the Elbe River in Germany. In the same period, a manta ray weighing 2,200 kilograms was caught off the east coast of the USA. Today, though, there are hardly any big fish left. The reason is the fishing industry, because fish are caught before they have a chance to grow. Not just the populations were huge; the creatures themselves were also larger. At the start of the 20th cen- tury, fishermen pulled sturgeons more than three meters long from the Elbe River in Germany. In the same period, a manta ray weighing 2,200 kilograms was caught off the east coast of the USA. Today, though, there are hardly ny big fish left. The reason is the fishing industry, because fish are caught before they have a chance to grow.




Marine Protected Areas (MPA)

All Marine Protected Areas

0.3 0.1

0.1 0.1

Percentage of ocean surface area protected

Living Memory—Old Fishermen Tell Their Tales

10 15 5

MAXIMIZING BENEFITS FOR KIRIBATI populations were ANATLAS 2017 | SOURCE: SAENZ-ARROYO It is an old lesson that we are slow to learn. 2,000 years ago, the Romans commercially fished 150 different species. And the colonization of the new world in the 16th century had fatal consequences for more than just the green sea turtle. The history of whaling provides an excellent exam- It is an old lesson that we are slow to learn. 2,000 years ago, the Romans commercially fished 150 different species. And the colonization of the new world in the 16th century had fatal consequences for more than just the green sea turtle. The history of whaling provides an excellent exam- It is an old lesson that we are sl w to learn. 2,000 years ago, the Romans commercially fished 150 different species. And the colonization of the new world in the 16th century had fatal consequences for more than just th gre n sea turtle. The history of whaling provides an excellent exam- It is a old lesso t at we are slow to learn. 2,00 ye rs a , t e Ro a s c m erci ly fishe 150 different s ecies. And t e colo ization of the ne w rl i t e 1 t ce t ry had fatal conse uences f r more tha just th gr e se turtl . The history of w alin provides an exce le t ex - MANAGING 63 0 2010 2000 2005 1980 1985 1990 1995 1975 1970 Global MPA (in millions of km ) 2 1 was the right one for whaling: as a coastal, slow-moving whale, they were easy to catch. They floated at the sur- face when killed and yielded a lot of valuable blubber that in Asia. Up until 50 years ago, it was only fished region- ally. In the intervening years, though, the sea cucumber industry has spread across the whole ocean. They aren’t CC-BY-SA PETRABOECKMANN.DE / OCEAN ATLAS 2017 | SOURCE: LUBCHENCO&GRORUD-COLVERT / MPATLAS

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