Marine Atlas: Maximizing Benefits for Fiji

Conflicting Versus Compatible Uses

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Reefs At Risk: Reef Risk Level

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Space To Recover: Marine Management

MAP IUCN and UNEP-WCMC. (2016). “The World Database on Protected Areas (WDPA).” Accessed at: www. Locally Managed Marine Areas. (2016). “Fiji Locally Managed Marine Area Network.” Natural Earth. (2017). “Populated Places.” Accessed at: TEXT Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS). (2009). “Vatu-i- Ra Land/SeaScape.” Accessed at: http://fscdn.wcs. org/2015/07/24/3ge66dhguy_fijiProspectus.pdf. MAP International Maritime Organization. (2011). “MARPOL Consolidated edition 2011: articles, protocols, an- nexes and unified interpretations of the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973, as modified by the 1978 and 1997 protocols”. TEXT European Commission – Fisheries. (2016). “Marine bio- diversity in areas beyond national jurisdiction: interna- tional community marks a step forward.” Accessed at: as-beyond-national-jurisdiction-international-commu- nity-marks-step-forward_en. Govan, H. (2014). “The Paci c Islands and Biodiversity Beyond National Jurisdiction: Brie ng note of the Coun- cil of Regional Organizations in the Paci c members of the Marine Sector Working Group.” Accessed at: http:// and_Biodiversity_Beyond_National_Jurisdiction_BBNJ_. International Maritime Organization. (unknown). “Particu- larly Sensitive Sea Areas.” Accessed at: http://www. fault.aspx TEXT IUCN. (2016). “Protecting the most important marine areas of Fiji.” Accessed at: news/oceania/201607/protecting-most-important-ma- rine-areas-fiji. Fiji Ministry of Foreign Affairs and External Trade. Ad- dress. SIDS 2013. Accessed at: http://assets.panda. org/downloads/13jan05ktavolafiji.doc. MAPS For map data, please check references for chapters: “Fishing In The Dark – Tuna Catch”, “Full Speed Ahead – Vessel Traffic”, “One World, One Ocean – IMO MARPOL Convention”, “Underwater Wild West – Deep Sea Mining And Underwater Cabling.” Bird Life International. (2016). “Important Bird Areas”. Accessed at: Fiji Government. (Unknown). “Fish Aggregating Devices (FADs).” One World, One Ocean: International Maritime Organization (IMO) MARPOL Convention Fiji’s Commitment To Marine Conservation A Marine Layer Cake



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