Sustainable mountain development in East Africa in a changing climate
Table 1: Relevant programmes or projects implemented in different mountain areas of East Africa (continued)
Results and impacts
Sustainable development and land management (continued)
UNDP-GEF Capacity Building for Sustainable Land Management in Burundi Project 2008 to 2010 Rwenzori Mountain Conservation and environmental Management Project
Strengthening the enabling environment for sustainable land management while ensuring broad-based political and participatory support for the process Conservation of Mt Rwenzori ecosystem, including its biodiversity and water catchment values, for the benefit of neighbouring and the international communities
Implemented 2008–2010
Capacity in sustainable land management reinforced and mainstreamed into development policies; Implementation of adaptive lessons learned. Strengthening biodiversity conservation through improved management of the Rwenzori Mountains National Park, increased benefits to local communities and sharing and lessons with stakeholders. Enhancement of capacity for integrated and ecosystem management, community restoration of degraded ecosystem, and improved and sustainable livelihoods of mountain communities. Improved understanding and application of natural resource based knowledge; strengthened local institutional capacities and capabilities in natural resource management; reduced dependency on protected area natural resources Participatory forest management is being implemented to reduce the forest loss through establishing Community Based Organizations and Sustainable Forest Management practices.
Phase I Implemented 2005–2009 Phase II implemented 2010–2012
Mt Elgon Integrated Conservation and Development
Enhancement of biodiversity conservation on Mt Elgon through capacity building of partner agencies and local communities
Bale Eco-Region Sustainable Management Programme (BERSMP)-Ethiopia
To address deforestation in the Bale Mountains of Ethiopia
Ongoing (20 year Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD) Project)
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