Landscape Mapping Blue Forests Policy in Norway

Table 4: Total Norwegian-funded international blue forests projects by region (in Norwegian kroner)


Estimated total NOK

Africa: Mauritania, Senegal, Gambia, Guinea-Bissau, Guinea, Cabo Verde, Sierra Leone, Madagascar, South Africa


Americas: Haiti, Brazil


Asia: Bangladesh, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Maldives, Myanmar, Pakistan, Seychelles, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Viet Nam, Philippines


Europe: Norway


Middle East: Palestine


Estimated total


Note: For a more detailed account of project titles, years, coordinating organizations, and funding sources please see the Blue Forests Project Database provided in Appendix 2.

This map illustrates an approximate breakdown of the different categories of international blue forests projects supported by Norway. This map does not include domestic projects. Additionally, Table 5 lists the corresponding data for each blue forests category and the estimated funding totals

per category, as well as the percentage that each category represents. In some instances, projects may involve two or more blue forests categories simultaneously. Projects of this nature are classified in Table 5 as “multiple blue forests”.

Map #2: Categories of Blue Forests Projects Supported by the Norwegian Government Map 2. Categories of blue forests projects supported by the Norwegian Government

This map illustrates an approximate breakdown of the different categories of blue forests projects supported internationally by Norway. This map does not include domestic projects. Additionally, the table below lists the corresponding data for each blue forests category and the estimated funding totals per category, as well as the percentage each category represents. In some instances, projects may involve multiple blue forests categories simultaneously. Projects of this nature are classified below as “multiple blue forests”.


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