Global Environment Outlook 3 (GEO 3)

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discharge of untreated sewage into coastal zones, mainly close to the major cities, continues to be common practice in most of the Mashriq and some parts of the GCC countries. Elsewhere, as in Bahrain, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates and western Saudi Arabia, all sewage is treated prior to discharge and some is recycled. The risk of eutrophication in semi- closed and closed areas is constantly present since most of the seas in the region are oligotrophic (poor in nutrients). Discharges from desalinization plants of brine, chlorine and heat continue to pose another serious threat to the environment. Nearly 43 per cent of the world’s desalinated water is produced in GCC countries (UNEP and PERSGA 1997) and the trend is increasing. Soil erosion and sedimentation pose another threat to the coastal zone. With an annual estimated soil loss of about 33 and 60 tonnes/ha in Lebanon and Syria respectively, the amount of eroded soil discharged into the Mediterranean from both countries may reach 60 million tonnes annually (EEA 1999). In the absence of adequate river basin management programmes, riverine and estuarine water quality will continue to

deteriorate with harmful effects on public health. It is expected that, following the completion of new dams in eastern Turkey, there will be a change in water quantity and quality of the Euphrates River flowing into Syria and Iraq, which in turn will have a major impact on the agricultural areas and estuaries of the Shatt Al-Arab waterways. Although there is great variation in levels of heavy metals in the region, screening tests show acceptable values in most areas (UNEP MAP 1996, ROPME 1999). Some countries have begun setting standards for environmental quality through international and regional agreements. For example, Lebanon has recently started to develop environmental and developmental indicators and standards within the framework of the Barcelona Convention. Pollution from land-based activities has also been incorporated into protocols in both the Mediterranean and the Kuwait Action Plans.

References: chapter 2, coastal and marine areas, West Asia

ROPME (2000). Integrated Coastal Areas management: guidelines for the ROPME region. ROPME/GC-10/001. Kuwait, Regional Organization for the Protection of the Marine Environment UNEP (1999 ). Overview on Land-based Sources and Activities Affecting the Marine Environment in the ROPME Sea Area. UNEP Regional Seas Reports and Studies No.168. The Hague and Kuwait, UNEP GPA Coordination Office and Regional Organization for the Protection of the Marine Environment UNEP MAP (1996). Etat du milieu marin et littoral de la région méditerranéenne . No.101 de la Série des Rapports Techniques du PAM. Athens, UNEP Mediterranean Action Plan UNEP and PERSGA (1997). Assessment of land- based sources and activities affecting the marine environment in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden . UNEP Regional Seas Reports and Studies No.166. The Hague, UNEP GPA Coordination Office

Government of Lebanon (1997). Report on the Regional Environmental Assessment: Coastal Zone of Lebanon . Beirut, ECODIT-IAURIF (Council for Development and Reconstruction) Grenon, M. and Batisse, M. (eds., 1989). Futures for the Mediterranean basin: the Blue Plan . Oxford, Oxford University Press Price, A., and Robinson, J. (1993). The 1991 Gulf war: coastal and marine environment consequences. Marine Pollution Bulletin 27, 380 Reynolds, R. (1993). Physical oceanography of the Gulf, Strait of Hormuz, and the Gulf of Oman: results from the Mt Mitchell expedition . Marine Pollution Bulletin 27, 35-59 ROPME (1999). Regional Report of the State of the Marine Environment . Kuwait, Regional Organization for the Protection of the Marine Environment

Al-Janahi, A.M. (2001). The preventative role of MEMAC in oil pollution emergencies. Environment 2001 Exhibition and Conference . Abu Dhabi, 3-7 February 2001 EEA (1999). State and Pressures of the Marine and Coastal Mediterranean Environment. Environmental Assessment Series No. 5. Copenhagen, European Environment Agency ESCWA (1991). Discussion paper on general planning, marine and coastal resources, and urbanization and human settlements. Arab Ministerial Conference on Environment and Development, 10-12 September 1991, Cairo Fishstat (2001). FISHSTAT Plus, Universal software for fishery statistical time series. FAO Fisheries, Software version 2.3 [Geo- 2-237]

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