Global Environment Outlook 3 (GEO 3)

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been growing about how best to ensure equitable access to water for the poor, finance projects and share risks. Conclusion The development of water supply infrastructure dominated policy options for most of the two decades following 1972 but many innovative approaches to water resources management were introduced in the 1990s. Major policy trends in this period include: recognition of both the social and economic value of water; emphasis on efficient allocation of water; recognition of catchment management as critical to effective management of water resources; greater cooperation by river basin states to ensure

equitable distribution of resources;

improved data collection; recognition of the role of all stakeholders in water management; adoption of integrated water resources management as a strategic policy initiative; and recognition of growing water scarcity due to various factors, including population and industrial growth, and increased pollution. While developed countries have made significant strides in addressing water quality issues, the situation has actually worsened in developing countries, with many of them experiencing rising water demand and pollution. More countries are facing water stress or scarcity.

References: Chapter 2, freshwater, global overview

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