GRID-Arendal Biennium Report 2012 - 2013

• Vital Ozone Graphics 3 - Third edition - 25 th Anniversary of the Montreal Protocol 128 sheds light on the decisions taken by the Parties to the Montreal Protocol to accelerate the phase out of hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) and the implications this has on the use of replacement chemicals. This revised edition of Vital Ozone Graphics was launched on the 25th anniversary of the Montreal Protocol in September 2012 and is available in English & French.

25thAnniversaryof theMontrealProtocol graphics vital ozone third edition

• GRID-Arendal and UNEP collaborated on a package of Short–lived Climate Pollutants (SLCPs) Vital Graphics to support UNEP’s activities in the Climate Clean Air Coalition (CCAC). The CCAC is a partner- ship of governments, intergovernmental organizations, and civil society that is committed to accelerating action to address key SLCPs, such as black carbon. The publication explains the need for urgent action, and explores a range of solutions. GRID-Arendal’s final output will be ready in January 2014.

• GRID-Arendal staff contributed as co-authors to the chapter The View from the Top: Searching for responses to a rapidly changing Arctic 129 of the UNEP Year Book 2013: Emerging issues in our global environment. 130 The 2013 Year Book was released by UNEP’s Executive Director during the opening press conference of the First Universal Session of the UNEP Governing Council/Global Ministerial Environment Forum on 18 February 2013. The report is also being turned into an interactive e-book to be available in tablet, phone and web formats for increased visibility and a user-friendly interface. Other 2012-13 publications not directly linked to UNEP • Toxic Metals in Children’s Products: An Insight into the Market in Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia 131 was released in May 2013 during the ordinary and extraordi- nary meetings of the conferences of the parties to the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions held in Geneva, Switzerland. The report presents the findings of a study that tested the toxic contents in hundreds of toys and consumer products, and is available in English and Russian.



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The last straw? The additionalburdenof climate change on food security in theHinduKush-Himalaya

• The last straw? The additional burden of climate change on food security in the Hindu Kush-Himalaya 132 is a brief produced in November 2013 as part of the Himalayan Climate Change Adaptation Programme (HICAP). A full length report on food security in the Hindu Kush-Himalaya will be released in 2014.


• Large-Scale Land Acquisition in Africa 133 is a fact sheet produced in June 2013 by GRID- Arendal in collaboration with partners to highlight some of the key perspectives of a topical issue that may merit further attention.

Land Acquisition Large-Scale inAfrica

128. 129. 130.

131. 132. 133.


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