GRID-Arendal: 30 Years of Making a Difference

GRID-Arendal continued its work with Indigenous Peoples to increase the awareness of the vulnerability of their communities and at the same time support their important role as local stewards of the environment. GRID-Arendal worked with the Arctic Council Indigenous Peoples Secretariat on a story map that tells about the influence Indigenous Peoples have had on the development of the Arctic Council and the Arctic environmental agenda in general. GRID-Arendal worked on the Global Gender and Environment Outlook (GGEO), a massive UN Environment-led effort. The first comprehensive and global assessment of the connection between gender and environment, it engaged more than 50 experts. GRID-Arendal supported UN Environment and the Africa Development Bank on a new project to assess the management of wastewater in Africa, as well as to track trends in the provision of sanitation services. This project acknowledges that there are vast human health benefits and opportunities for investment by the public and private sectors in wastewater management and proper sanitation. It will run until 2020. GRID-Arendal is the Implementing Partner on behalf of UNEP in the new phase of the GEF IW: LEARN project. The goal of the project is to strengthen knowledge management capacity and promote scaled-up learning of disseminated experiences, tools and methodologies for transboundary waters management together with a global network of partners in order to improve the effectiveness of GEF IW and partner projects to deliver tangible results and scaled-up investments. GRID-Arendal’s new website was launched.


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