GRID-Arendal: 30 Years of Making a Difference

GRID-Arendal contributed to the European Commission’s European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODNET) to improve access to high quality marine data for private bodies, public authorities and researchers. In April 2012, over twenty member states of the Commonwealth gathered to discuss sustainable marine resource development and application of the Green Economy approach for the Blue World . The workshop was jointly organized by the Commonwealth Secretariat, UNEP and GRID-Arendal. GRID-Arendal supported the drafting, publication and dissemination of the findings of two UNEP flagship reports, namely the Global Environment Outlook 5 (GEO-5) and the Africa Environment Outlook 3 (AEO-3). GRID-Arendal collaborated with UNEP’s Regional Office for Africa to revitalise and strategically re-orient the Africa Environment Information Network (AfricaEIN). With co-financing support from GEF and IPEN, a project was launched to enhance the environmental policy of Tajikistan in order to reduce mercury pollution and protect human health. From 23 to 28 April 2012, 21 young people from 15 European countries participated in the Wadden Sea Climate Training , and got the opportunity to experience first-hand the world’s most important inter-tidal zone on the frontline of climate change. The training, organised by the British Council in collaboration with experts from GRID-Arendal and with the support of Youth in Action, was held in Langeness, a low-lying island in the Schleswig-Holsteinisches Wattenmeer National Park (Germany).


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