GRID-Arendal: 30 Years of Making a Difference

GRID-Arendal, as the UNEP Key Polar Centre, produced the report Global Outlook for Ice and Snow , which raised world- wide attention about the important relationship between ice and snow and global climate change. Launched on World Environment Day on 5 June 2007, hosted in Tromsø, Norway, this publication not only became one of UNEP’s best-selling products in 2007, but is also seen as a great example of collaboration, both external and internal. GRID-Arendal organized two major international events, the conferences Linking Tourismand Conservation – A Finance-Initiative for Protected Areas and UN Carbon Neutrality Goal . These events resulted in concrete commitments of the participating stakeholders to engage in meaningful relationships with GRID-Arendal. The Many Strong Voices programme, which brings together the peoples of the Arctic and Small Island Developing States (SIDS) to take action on climate change through awareness raising, participation in climate change negotiation processes and involvement in regional assessments of vulnerability and adaptive capacity, made significant progress in 2007 focused on communication and outreach; vulnerability assessment; and development of a Five-Year Action Plan. GRID-Arendal continued to engage in raising public environmental awareness by organizing and participating in numerous events, including the launch of the United Nations Development Programme report Human Development Report 2007/2008 : Fighting Climate Change: Human Solidarity in a DividedWorld in November in Oslo, Norway; the launch of UNEP’s Global Environment Outlook: Environment for Development (GEO-4) report in Oslo, Norway in October; the exhibition Feber: en utstilling om FNs klimapanel og Al Gore organized by the Nobel Peace Centre in Oslo. GRID-Arendal’s close cooperation with UNEP’s Regional Office for Europe was sealed with a new project agreement with UNEP.


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