Future Imperfect: Climate change and adaptation in the Carpathians

A clear legal framework is crucial to support plan- ning and the implementation of adaptation mea- sures. Here cooperation in implementing the Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC) together with the Flood Risk Directive (2007/60/EC)is an import- ant vehicle to streamline climate change adaptation activities for water resources. Adaptation measures can be an integral part of river basin management plans. Such adaptation measures could include non-technical actions such as floodplain restoration, afforestation of catchment areas, adjustment of permits for water removal and use and pollution discharge. Other actions include the management of catchment land use to reduce nutrient loading and soil erosion, setting up warning systems and awareness programmes, as well as technical mea- sures like dams, dikes or retention reservoirs. Other mountainous areas like the Alps provides lessons in increased efficiency of water use, infiltration and water saving. Recommended adaptation measures for water resources

© Saskia Werners

© Andrzej-Czaderna

Figure 14: Expected changes in monthly mean discharges of a large Car- pathian river (Mures) (averaged model projection) (source: CarpathCC).



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