FROZEN HEAT | Volume 2

sideration in global energy system projections, such as those conducted by the International Energy Agency (IEA) and, in particular, those with medium-term time frames (IEA 2011a). This chapter explores the range of environmental and eco- nomic issues likely to be raised with growing awareness of the potential of gas hydrates as a significant new source of natural gas. We reference, in particular, the general find- ings of the IEA’s 2011 World Energy Outlook Special Report Are We Entering a Golden Age of Gas? (IEA 2011b), which amends prior IEA energy outlooks in light of the recent ex- pansion in unconventional gas production. Another impor- tant source is the 2012 Global Energy Assessment report (GEA 2012), which sheds light on the question of how future energy systems can address multiple challenges and sustain- ability goals (Riahi et al. 2012). While the latter assessment

assumes that gas hydrates are unlikely to have any significant impact over the 2015-2035 time frame, it outlines the major issues and opportunities raised by an expansion in natural gas availability. Finally, we discuss a number of points for policy-makers to consider in relation to gas hydrates and how they might help ease the transition to the sustainable energy systems of the future. This chapter introduces global energy resources, the evolu- tion of the energy system, and the potential implications of gas hydrate development. Section 1.2 provides the latest assessments of energy resources. Section 1.3 outlines the historic evolution of the global energy system. Section 1.4 presents global energy system projections with a focus on natural gas. Finally, Section 1.5 discusses the implications of developing gas hydrates.


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