Environment in Focus Vol 1.



The authors are grateful for the contributions made by the workshop participants from Aust- Agder County (Berit W. Gregersen), the Institute of Marine Research, Flødevigen (Erlend Moksness, Even Moland, Einar Dahl and Sigurd Espeland Heiberg), the Norwegian Fishermen’s Association, Fiskarlaget Sør (Atle Nilsen), the Norwegian Institute for Water Research (Hilde Trannum) and the Aust-Agder former County Governor (Øystein Djupedal). Thanks to Geir Andrew and his team at Frameworks (www.frameworks.no) for their assistance in developing the online web-based reporting system used to produce the figures in this paper. The authors are grateful to anonymous reviewers, whose comments and suggestions helped improve the paper. The work described in this paper was produced with financial support from GRID-Arendal.

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