Environment and Security: Transforming risks into cooperation - Central Asia - Ferghana / Osh / Khujand area

Environment and Security 54 /

Annica Carlsson Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe Kärntner Ring 5-7 A1010 Vienna AUSTRIA

Tel: +431 514 36 913 Fax: +431 514 36 96 annica.carlsson@osce.org

Nickolai Denisov United Nations Environment Programme

15, chemin des Anémones CH-1219 Châtelaine, Geneva SWITZERLAND Tel: +41 22 917 8281 Fax: +41 229178024 nickolai.denisov@unep.ch

Inkar Kadyrzhanova United Nations Development Programme

Grosslingova 35 811 09 Bratislava

SLOVAK REPUBLIC Tel: +421 2 59337 168 Fax: +421 2 59337 450 inkar.kadyrzhanova@undp.org Susanne Michaelis North Atlantic Treaty Organization Bd. Leopold III B-1110 Brussels BELGIUM

Tel: +322 707 4520 Fax +32 2 707 4232 michaelis@hq.nato.int

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