Ecosystem-Based Integrated Ocean Management: A Framework for Sustainable Ocean Economy Development

A report for WWF-Norway by GRID-Arendal Author: Louise Lieberknecht March 2020

Suggested citation: Lieberknecht, L.M. (2020) Ecosystem-Based Integrated Ocean Management: A Framework for Sustainable Ocean Economy Development. A report for WWF-Norway by GRID-Arendal.

Disclaimer The content of this report does not necessarily reflect the views or policies of GRID-Arendal or contributory organizations. The designations employed and the presentations do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of GRID-Arendal or contributory organizations concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city, company or area, or its authority, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. Acknowledgements This report has benefited from multiple reviews and intensive discussion with colleagues at WWF-Norway and GRID-Arendal, bringing together decades of professional experience in the field. The work was financed by the Norwegian Ministry of Climate and Environment and the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Figure design by Nieves Lopez Izquierdo. Editing, cover design and layout by Strategic Agenda.

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