ECOPOTENTIAL: Improving Future Ecosystem Benefits through Earth Observations
If yes, how:
How much per activity: 2
Entry fees Payment for ecosystem services Rental of space/venues Extractive industries Visitor centres / guided tours
What are your connections with existing networks of PAs?
PA Networks EUROPARC Natura 2000
ž ž ž
Sub-‐regional networks: e.g. Carpathian Network of Protected Areas (CNPA), ALPARC
Please specify:
LTER Europe
ž ž ž ž
1.9 What are the policy and normative frameworks (laws and relevant policies) most relevant to the management of your PA? (Please fill in where appropriate and specify also the relevant law gazette)
Supranational: EU-‐level (EU-‐Directives, etc.)
Sub-‐regional (e.g. Alpine Convention, Carpathian Convention)
National level
Provincial level
Municipal / local level
2 Please use any currency.
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