ECOPOTENTIAL: Improving Future Ecosystem Benefits through Earth Observations

of the Camargue, awareness events such as guided tours and conferences) and internet (e.g. website, SIT interactive GIS platform). The Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve invites stakeholders for consultations about the regulations that the Biosphere Reserve Administration is requiring as part of their management plan. Doñana National Park has a Participation Council in which public administrations, scientists, farmers, enterprises and NGOs are represented. The Council has four Working Committees to inform the Council on specific issues, i.e. Biodiversity, Sustainable Development and Water Management and Research. Municipal governments appear to be most involved in the Coastal and Marine Protected Areas closely followed by national governments. Representatives of both NGOs and civil society, as well as scientific institutions are also involved, while private companies and visitors appear to be less so. It appears that stakeholder engagement is established but that the general level of engagement in the management is moderate and varies considerably between the Protected Areas.

Specific subregional policies that are applied to specific protected areas (one in each case) include HELCOM, OSPAR and the Barcelona Convention for the Protection of the Mediterranean Sea. National policies listed as relevant to Protected Areas (one in each case) include national spatial planning documents; French, Italian and Monegasque laws ratifying a 1999 Agreement; Parc Naturel Régional network; Mediterranean Lagoons Network; Conservatoire du Littoral network; and Plan Rhône (part of the Water Directive Framework). Engagement with stakeholders Interaction with stakeholders – not including legal paths such as permitting or environmental impact assessments – occurs mostly through cooperation in projects and during workshops or other gatherings. The Pelagos area indicates involvement through establishment of a partnership scheme between the Sanctuary Agreement and the coastal municipalities. The Camargue describes an extensive arrangement of interactions through governance (e.g. steering platform, science council), awareness and outreach activities (e.g. the Museum

A fishing trawler in the Wadden Sea.


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