Dead planet, living planet


Ecosystem restoration is often constrained by the fact that at several instances, degradation or unsustainable resource use is often an outcome of short term livelihood need. This in turn deteriorates critical life-supporting ecosystem services. There is a need of approaches that can incentivize safeguard- ing natural resources through transfer of benefits that emanate from healthy ecosystems to communities. Wetlands Interna- tional has pioneered an innovative financial mechanism called Biorights – linking ecosystem restoration and livelihoods

Biorights which addresses poverty trap by integrating sustainable development and environmental conservation. In return for provi- sion of micro-credits, local community involves in ecosystem pro- tection and restoration. Upon successful delivery of conservation services, these microcredits are converted in definitive payments. Thus the approach enables community involvement in conserva- tion while providing sustainable alternatives to harmful develop- ment practices.


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