Dead planet, living planet

Correlations between response ratios for biodiversity and for provision of ecosystem services

Response ratio for services


Supporting Regulating Provisioning Ecosystem service function
















Response ratio for biodiversity

Source: Benayas, et al. Enhancement of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services by Ecological Restoration: A Meta-Analysis, Science, 2009.

Figure 4: The relationship between biodiversity and degree of ecosystem service restored.

The meta-analysis revealed another crucial finding: increases in biodiversity and ecosystem service measures after restora- tion were positively correlated. This indicates that restoration actions focused on enhancing biodiversity should support in- creased provision of ecosystem services, particularly in tropi- cal terrestrial biomes. Conversely, these results suggest that ecosystem restoration focused mainly on improving services should also have a primary aim at restoring biodiversity, as eco- system services and biodiversity are intrinsically linked. Ecological restoration can act as an engine of economy and a source of green employment, so the results of this research give policymakers an extra incentive to restore degraded ecosystems.

(3) regulating (e.g., of climate, water supply, and soil charac- teristics), and (4) cultural (e.g., aesthetic value). In the study only the first three services were assessed, because cultural services were not measured explicitly in any of the studies ad- dressed. Measures of biodiversity were typically related to the abundance, species richness, diversity, growth, or biomass of organisms present. The study revealed that ecological restoration increased pro- vision of biodiversity and ecosystem services by 44 and 25%, respectively across the 89 studies of different restoration proj- ects. However, values of both remained lower in restored ver- sus intact reference ecosystems, underlining the challenges and timescales required to fully restore a degraded ecosystem. Ecological restoration was particularly effective in tropical ter- restrial areas, which hold the largest amounts of biodiversity and are usually subject to high levels of human pressure.

 Figure 5: Ecosystem service response to restoration in differ- ent biomes.


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