Best Practices in Environmental Information Management in Africa

and evaluation system would also provide meaningful assessment of performance and allow for activities to be re-directed so as to address some of the identified issues early enough.

decision making and to take advantage of opportunities for environmental justice.

In support of this, NEMA established a Resource Cen- tre at the NEMA offices in Kampala. The aim was for the Centre to be a source of easily accessible, appeal- ing and authoritative information which would bring home to the public the concept of individual responsi- bility for the protection of the environment. This was also part of the Government’s response to section 85 of the Environment Act on public access to environmental information. The Resource Centre is designed as a walk-in centre locat- ed on the ground floor of NEMA house. It is a free public service to anyone seeking information on any aspect of the environment – school children, students, teachers, decision makers, researchers, consultants and members

Enhancing access to environment information

One of the cornerstones of the information programme was to improve access and use of environment informa- tion by the public, especially in the areas of education and research. Supporting education and research is a means for cultural, social and economic development. It therefore follows that strategies that support these causes will do much to improve the wellbeing of the people and the environment. Informed individuals are better equipped to participate in finding solutions to everyday personal and community problems. They are more likely to play a meaningful role in environmental

The resource centre at NEMA Photo by: Wilbur Wejuli


Best Practices in Environmental Information Management in Africa

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