Best Practices in Environmental Information Management in Africa

Figure 2. Land use map of Jinja sheet 1:250,000 October 2003 Map production: Uganda EIN (Department of Forestry)

as a whole, still has a lot to do in bringing this category of people together to enlist their support.

districts at the 1:50,000 scale. Figures 2 and 3 show the land use information for the Jinja map sheet and Jinja district respectively. Agreeing on standards for geo-cod- ing, referencing, file formats, EIS equipment, and data collection methodologies made it easier to exchange data between institutions for analysis at different levels. Other activities undertaken included rehabilitation of weather stations, reconstruction and expansion of the ge- odetic network and strengthening the use of the Internet. The horizontal EIN has been relatively successful in ad- dressing technical network issues such as standardisa- tion and sharing of data, but a lot still remains to be done in ensuring networking from an organisational or policy level. In most cases the points of contact for key data sets in certain institutions are individuals, other than organi- sational units. This creates a problem of continuity. The support of the policy makers is critical in ensuring long- term sustainability of the network. To this end, the EIN,

The successes of the horizontal EIN need to be docu- mented, technical guidelines published for reference and products showcased to advertise the network. Ad- ditionally, the number of participating institutions needs to be expanded so as to benefit from the different insti- tutional data types. While a scientific evaluation of the impact of the EIN has never been carried out, anecdotal evidence points to a general improvement in the overall management and availability of key environmental da- tasets and their use in environment management. This is further borne out by the fact that UNEP modelled its Africa-wide EIN along the lines of the Uganda EIN, and by countries like Ethiopia that have adapted the concept to their local situation (UNEP/NEMA/EPA 2005). How- ever, this success is not so evident at the vertical level and this needs attention.


The Uganda Case Study

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