Arctic Biodiversity Trends 2010


Arctic Biodiversity Trends 2010

INDICATOR #10 Arctic sea-ice ecosystem

Greenland. Waterbirds around the world. In: G.C. Boere, C.A. Galbraith and D.A. Stroud (eds.) The Stationery Office, Edinburgh, UK. pp. 769-776. 21. Divoky, G.J. 1981. Birds and the ice-edge ecosystem in the Bering Sea, p. 799-956. In: G. L. Hunt, Jr. (ed.) The eastern Bering Sea shelf: oceanography and resources, section VI, marine birds. U.S. Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Seattle, Washington. 22. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 1996. Spectacled eider recovery plan. Anchorage, AK. 23. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 2001. Final determination of critical habitat for the spectacled eider. Anchorage, AK. 24. Suydam, R.S., Dickson, D.L. Fadely, J.B. & Quakenbush, L.T. 2000. Population declines of King and Common Eiders of the Beaufort Sea. Condor. 102:219-222. 25. Mehl, K.R., Alisauskas, R.T., Hobson, K.A. & Merkel, F.R. 2005. Linking breeding and wintering areas of king eiders: making use of polar isotopic gradients. J. Wildl. Manage. 69(3):1297-1304. 26. Mosbech, A. & Boertmann, D. 1999. Distribution, abundance and reaction to aerial surveys of post-breeding king eiders ( Somateria spectabilis ) in western Greenland. Arctic. 52:188-203. 27. Gratto-Trevor, C.L., Johnston, V.H. & Pepper S.T. 1998. Changes in shorebird and eider abundance in the Rasmussen Lowlands, NWT. Wilson Bull. 110:316-325. 28. Irons, D.B., Anker-Nilssen, T., Gaston, A.J., Byrd, G.V., Falk, K., Gilchrist, G., Hario, M., Hjernquist, M., Krasnov, Y.V., Mosbech, A., Olsen, B., Petersen, A., Reid, J., Robertson, G., Strom, H. & Wohl, K.D. 2008. Magnitude of climate shift determines direction of circumpolar seabird population trends. Global Change Biol. 14:1455-1463. 29. Gaston, A.J. & Gilchrist, H.G. 2009. Murres. In: J.Richter- Menge and J.E. Overland (eds.) 2009: Arctic Report Card 2009. pp. 59-64. [Accessed 12 January 2010]. 30. Laidre, K.L., Heide-Jorgensen, M.P., Nyeland, J., Mosbech, A. & Boertmann, D. 2008. Latitudinal gradients in sea ice and primary production determine Arctic seabird colony size in Greenland. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B. 275:2695–2702. 31. Moore, S.E. & Huntington, H.P. 2008. Arctic marine mammals and climate change: impacts and resilience. Ecol. Appl. 18 (Suppl):S157–S165. 32. Simpkins, M. 2009. Marine Mammals. In: J.Richter-Menge and J.E. Overland (eds.) 2009: Arctic Report Card 2009. pp. 50-58. [Accessed 12 January 2010]. 33. Laidre, K.L., Stirling, I., Lowry, L.F., Wiig, Ø., Heide- Jørgensen, M.P. & Ferguson, S.H., 2008. Quantifying the sensitivity of Arctic marine mammals to climate-induced habitat change. Ecol. Appl. 18 (Suppl.):S97–S125. 34. Ragen, T.J., Huntington, H.P. & Hovelsrud, G.K. 2008. Conservation of arctic marine mammals faced with climate change. Ecol. Appl. 18(Suppl.):S166-S174. 35. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 2010. Stock assessment for Pacific Walrus ( Odobenus rosmarus divergens ): Alaska Stock. Anchorage, AK. 36. Lowry, L., Kovacs, K. & Burkanov, V. 2008. Odobenus rosmarus . In: IUCN 2009. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2009.2. redlist/details/15106/0 [Accessed 03 January 2010]. 37. COSEWIC. 2006. COSEWIC assessment and update status report on the Atlantic walrus, Odobenus rosmarus rosmarus , in Canada. Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife

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