Annual Report 2009

Himalayan Climate Impact and Adap- tation Assessment Results of the two-year pilot assessment in the Hima- laya were presented in the report Local Responses to Too Much and Too Little Water in the Greater Hima- layan Region . The work was coordinated by the Inter- national Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD), with partners from a range of institutions in China, India, Pakistan and Nepal, supported by ex- pertise from GRID-Arendal and CICERO.

High Mountain Glaciers Together with theNorwegianPolar Institute, GRID-Aren- dal organised the global conference “High Mountain Glaciers and Challenges caused by Climate Change” in Tromsø, Norway. Attendees included UNEP’s Depu- ty Executive Director, Angela Cropper. A UNEP report based on the conference is planned for 2010. Angela Cropper’s speech from the conference: asp?ArticleID=6261&DocumentID=591&l=en


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