Adaptation Actions for a Changing Arctic: Perspectives from the Barents Area


Chapter 3 · Local and regional perspectives on adaptation

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Barents area: (1) a lack of good data collection and research methods; (2) the diversity of perspectives across the region and within groups and sectors, makes it virtually impossible to develop a single view of changes and adaptation needs; (3) ambiguity in the adaptation problems; (4) interpreting changes and assessing adaptation needs is often challenging for local and regional actors; (5) multiple – and not well understood – global and regional drivers of change; (6) ambiguity and uncertainty regarding economic trends and the effects of globalization in the Arctic; (7) governance systems are complex, with many decisions beyond the control of single actors; (8) existing participatory governance frameworks lack credibility; and (9) differences in power, in terms of resources and capacity to participate and influence social process of adaptation. Aleynikov, A.A., A.M. Aleynikova, M.V. Bocharnikov, P.M. Glazov, P.P. Golovlev, V.O. Golovleva, G.V. Gruza, K.O. Dobrolyubova,A.I. Evina, P.I. Zhbanova, D.G. Zamolodchikov, E.A. Zenin, Y.A. Kalashnikova, M.N. Kozhin, A.O. Kokorin, I.V. Krylenko, I.N. Krylenko, Y.V. Kushcheva, O.N. Lipka, I.A. Miklyaev, I.M. Miklyaeva, V.V. Nikiforov, A.D. Pavlova, A.I. Postnova, M.A. Puhova, E.Y. Ran’kova, M.S. Stishov, O.K. Sutkajtis, S.A.Uvarov, S.Y. Fomin and S.F.Hohlov, 2014.Vaigach Island: Nature, Climate and People. Lipka O.N. (ed.). WWF- Russia. (In Russian). Andersson, L., A. Bohman, L. vanWell, A. Jonsson, G. Persson and J. Farelius, 2015. Underlag till kontrollstation 2015 för anpassning till ett förändrat klimat. [Supporting documents to the inspection post 2015 for adaptation to a changing climate] Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute. SMHI Klimatologi No. 12. [In Swedish with English summary] Arctic Council, 2009. Arctic Marine Shipping Assessment 2009 Report. Arctic Council, 2013. Arctic Resilience Interim report 2013. Stockholm Environment Institute and Stockholm Resilience Centre. Aslaksen, I., A. Caron, G. Duhaime, S. Glomsröd, J. Haukur Ingimundarson, I. Jonsson, J. Kruse, J. Nymand Larsen, S. Mathiesen, A. Ingeborg Myhr, B. Poppel, R. Ole Rasmussen, H. Reinert, E. Reinert, C. Southcott, G. Winther, L. Zalkind and H. Aage, 2010. The Political Economy of Northern Regional Development. TemaNord 2010:521. Nordic Council of Ministers, Copenhagen. Barentsinfo, 2013. The Barents Programme 2014-2018. www. adopted_2_June_2013.pdf Bauer,A., J. Feichtinger and R. Steurer, 2011.The governance of climate change adaptation in ten OECD countries: Challenges and approaches. Institute of Forest, Environmental, and Nature Resource Policy.Discussion Paper fileadmin/data/H03000/H73000/H73200/InFER_Discussion_ Papers/InFER_DP_11_1__The_Governance_02.pdf References ACIA, 2005. Arctic Climate Impact Assessment. Cambridge University Press.

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